A musical theatre about a day and a night in the life of a rabbit. Not just about digging up carrots and hopping through the dunes. Also about a brave heart and the fear for the dark. A rabbit ballet, a moving picture book of sorts, performed by three actors and four musicians, with live entertainment and music of Bartok, Shostakovich, Kreisler and Piazzolla a.o.
Gert Jochems, Esther de Koning and Katrien Verrydt - performance, Katrien De Bièvre and Jerôme Akoka, Peter Des Mirrorelaere or Igor Semenoff - violins, Karel Steylaerts or Gabriella Stümpel - cello, Patricia George accordion, Noël Fischer - script and direction, Filip Bral - musical concept, Marianne Burgers - stage image and costumes, Esther de Koning - texts, Frankie Goethals - lighting design, Bart Van den Eynde - dramaturgy, Geert Willems - technique